Hotels and Guesthouses

For Hotels and Guesthouses we offer washbasins with fixed dimensions as well as bespoke washbasins that fit in a given space - see top-mount washbasins, references.

  • Product quality
  • Different height levels
  • Various colour options
  • Fair price


Golf hotel – Germany
Golf hotel – Germany
Handicape grand - Špindlerův Mlýn
Handicape grand - Špindlerův Mlýn
Amrum - Špindlerův Mlýn
Amrum - Špindlerův Mlýn

Are you interested in our offer?

Are you interested in a product made of mramorit but you have not found it in our offer?
We manufacture custom-made products tailored exactly to our customers’ needs, please contact us.
We will do our best to meet your requirements.

Feel free to ask any questions

+420 495 499 102